Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Cruise- Key words to the questions

1. What types of things (visible and invisible) does his tour “map”? 
What kind of knowledge about NYC does this produce?

Record of history- builds up and they overlay to composite a thickened historical landmark. City itself is the thickened space of history

Levitch gave information on about artists and historical figures such as George Washington, Edgar Allen Poe, Dylan Thomas, and himself who were involved in certain spots they dwelled in or passed by. He told the visitors that Poe finished his work, Raven, at one street, and six blocks from there, another historical figure did something else. He talked about a coffee place he stopped by. It’s the record of daily activities and history that the passers or dwellers built in the city.

2. Levitch has an on-again off-again love affair with NYC. What kind of language does he use to describe this relationship? What specific parts of the NYC are the focus of his “amorous” attention?  What does this tell us about how he understands himself in relation to the city’s identity (and vice versa)?

Exhibition, constant fluctuation, line of cyclops, "more psychotic and riveting than banal creatures of human race", intimate when one shows their beauty and having the other admire it. the terra cotta  building that reveals its beauty and express its excitement through the curves among the straight structure. 

3. In what way does Levitch representative of  New York? How does Levitch embody the characteristics of New York City?

  He's a particle of New York. He represent and respond to New York. Winter was cruel to Levitch the year before- he felt inferior among the tall buildings, like smaller buildings. 

4. What is the effect of the high-contrast black and white in which the movie is filmed? How does this contribute to our view of NYC (and Levitch himself)?
Impression, history, just the outline of it it’s not about the outlook but the meanings behind it. black and white helps the tour guide merge into the landscape with the background. He belongs to NYC in the black and white range of landscape.

5. Levitch says, "I am cruising because I have dedicated myself to all that is creative and destructive in my life right now.” How does  creativity and destruction define New York City as presented in the film?

Turmoils – glory is fleeting there I was at this moment, frantic chaos of universe
 cruise means seraching everything worthwhile in existence, flesh ways ondulating, "being able to exhibit that I'm thrill to be alive and sstill respecting it"

6. What does Levitch think of “the grid” and why? How does Levitch’s version of NYC contrast with NYC as grid?

Civilization is the amputation of what everything that happened to us… civilization is the molestation… of everything that we ever could be a giant repression that melts into giant depression so you never say what you mean. Civilization is breathing down our neck, secreting us apart… civilization knew who you were before you were born. Civilization forgave you when you needed forgiving. And you never once surprised this civilization and you never once felt that sensation

Inclusion of the sun into the NYC’s unique landmark
Moment- catching the moment- 4 o’click fish market is better than in the morning0 it turns into oder than landmark

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