We realize the existence of something only when extraordinary happens to that something, whether "the something" be an object or an event. We are surprised by the result but we neglect to realize that the extraordinary result resulted because there was an underlying, ordinary cause that has been existing "twenty-four hours out of twenty-four, three hundred and sixty-five days a year".
We are unconsciously living our lives according to how we are accustomed to do. If we pay a little attention, however, we find something special from the mundane daily pattern from there. When we wake up from our "dreamless sleep", we will be the individuals who no longer copy the others. What we were missing are "not the exotic... ...but the endotic"; We will discover some of the crucial things about our lives and ourselves using the tools that were within us from the beginning.
Observe and question little petty things we see everyday.
1 second
2 seconds
3 seconds

................. seconds.
My mind is blinking with the blinking linear bar................|
........... after the last character I typed............|
How mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyy
dots did I just pass?
How many s p a c e s were in between each series of dots?
blinking after the last letter I typed
for me to type another one.
It's asking me to write the
I am nervous.
I feel like I am
The line demands me to type faster.
Then the
is the breaking thought in between,
a secret
break that I get.
I have the permission to rest a little before I type in my sentence now.
Sometimes that Enter
permits me to rest a lot more than a little.
No one knows whether I took a nap
or pulled my hair out
and counted it
until I found
a string of another inspiration
in between the two Enter's.
My font hasn't changed.
The letters look consistant enough to believe
that I wrote this all in 5 minutes.
by one.
I first need to coordinate
my fingers.
need to know
which finger at which position
which finger at which position
will give me an
A or a K.
one letter made by
each finger
index, middle, ring, and pinky...
each tap
Tap Tap Tap
pushing the blinking line
Fingers d
a e to the tempo of the rhythm
n c
the rhythm that is created by tapping
tap tap tap
the fingers leave a trace of their f o o t s t e p s
and create a neat line of words _____________________ .
a line and then
a paragraph
with precision and care.
the music ends
and as the music ends,
the dance ends.
the rhythm of tapping still playing in her head.
who says typing is impersonal?
Who says typing is only technical?
In between those hand made visual and auditory art piece,
is a temporary performance art
only a blogger can enjoy
A vertical blinking bar...........|
gives me another line to write
A horizontal lying bar
gives me a brief second to. r e s t .
oh srroy i was in a
sorRy ofr the tpyos.
forgot a < . >
and the sentence never ends
leaves the receiver just
in there
cannot let That happen...!
*hurriedly going back to leave the finishing touch*
there we go!
Hello Hi my name is Alexandria Hollingsworth Stewart. I'm a renowned author who has published Civil war... So in the book I was mentioning about James Fearon, a scholar of civil wars at Stanford University. hHe defines a civil war as "a violent conflict within a country fought by organized groups that aim to take power at the center or in a region, or to change government policin Hironaka further specifies that one side of a civil intensity at which a civil disturbance becomes a civil war is contested by academics. Some political scientists define a civil war as having more than 1000 casualties,while others further specify that at least 100 must come from eacset widely used by scholars of conflict, classifies civil wars as having over 1000 war-related casualties per year of conflict. This rate is a small fraction of the millions killed in the Second Sudanese Civil War and Cambodian Civil War, for example, but excludes several highly publicized conflicts, such as The Troubles of Northern Ireland and the struggle of the African National Congress in Apar0 casualties per year criterion, there were 213 civil wars from 1816 to 1997, 104 of which occurred from 1f one uses the less-stringent 1000 casualties total criterion, there were over 90 civil wars between 1945 and 2007, with 20 ongoing civil.........
what WHat WHAT??
Utilize your space
but not too much
or I'll
![]() |
http://afieldjournal.blogspot.com/ |
For me, the margins of the paper for a reminder or for some ideas I should consider while writing or reading the main note. Those are color coordinated to distinguish from my thoughts to a reference, title to subsections, etc. I also like to include signs or symbols such as a star, diamond, a big parenthesis that goes over few lines of the paper- usually to group one idea. I also doodle for better memorization. So I finish the last line on the page, the paper is completely filled with my colorful writings and drawings. Even though there is many information on the page, it is easy to follow along what I wrote. When I reread my paper, I travel in different directions every time. First time I would skip from titles to subtitles to get the main points. Next would be just a normal reading, where my eyes move in linear fashion, from top to bottom, reading only the main writing. Next I read the main writing, and when I see a side note or a doodle, I follow that, and then come back to the writing. Lastly, I only look at the side notes and doodles and remember what I wrote in the main writing.
On the other hand, I do much less of coloring, drawing, and putting pictures when I'm writing online. It might be because I don't know the shortcuts to the symbols, but it takes long for me to click on the "insert symbols/picture" icon, choose the ones I like, insert it and keep writing. Putting pictures gives me a huge break from a thought and interrupts my writing. so if necessary, I insert what I need all at the end, when my thoughts won't be distracted. So I can't have doodling as my writing habits when I'm writing blogs. As a result, I read mostly strictly in linear fashion on blogs. Even when I put pictures on the blog, it does not interfere with the lines from the main writing because blogs don't overlay pictures and the writing together.
However, blogs can give me an almost infinite space if I ask for it. I can maximize my pictures without the restriction of the edges of the paper, and view the picture in a perfect form, without any folded lines or crops. Blogs elongate their space as much as I want it as well. I don't have to flip pages and have that flipping action break the flow of a sentence.
Blogs are very forgiving of my mistakes too. I am less concerned about making mistakes and having to waste paper when I'm writing. The mistakes are not noticeable once I fix it. Blogs and computer writing do not leave the traces or hints of mistakes. There's no squiggly arrows that throws out a bulk of sentences, no check marks in between two words to add another word, no writing on top of another word... Only the final result matters. Although it is sometimes better to see where I edited, blog gives a forever-clean space and easy corrections.
A technology, auto-corrections, also plays a crucial role in easy corrections. I always fix my typos or grammatical mistakes almost instantly when I am writing on blog. I cannot ignore the red and green underlines or delay the corrections because the lines keep me distracted. Because the lines indicate my mistakes, I take less time editing online than editing the written paper.
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http://www.worldstart.com/easy-auto-correct-additions/ |
As I blog, I am more conscious of the public and a greater audience. I imagine some reactions and responses of the readers. I am more conscious of the audience's point of view and try to think from their stand. I try harder to make my writing as smooth and understandable as possible. The semi-anonymity encourages me to write with confidence. I am challenging myself more, and think harder about the topic of my writing. Some of the famous bloggers I know provide informative, thought provoking, very observational with their surroundings, and enjoyable by many. Blogs serve to further express everyday individuals, like how youtube does with the videos. Blogs are viewed by relatively fewer people than other popular sites such as social networking sites or wikipedia, because the contents may be personal, off to just one subject, not connected by many and not accesible from one person to another, and mainly stands for writing, which not many people do. For these reasons, blogs have to be appealing enough and worthy to be known for people to be seen. Perhaps more like a newspaper, it has to captivate the reader's eyes first and grab onto them further with unique and interesting stories.
For people who love to let everyone read their writing, or who wants to write but don't have much courage to write, blogs are perfect. Blogs are very open and easily accessible. It is a stage for writing amateurs. It doesn't cost money, no contract is needed to publish your writing, and many ideas are shared through looking at different people's blogs. blogs can be uploaded everywhere any time, and writing is no loner for professionals.
I am physically more restricted when I am writing on blog. My hands hardly ever leave the keyboard and other than rolling my eyes a little bit for a brief break, my writing posture is static.
This is an incredible investigation of the textual space of the blog. So well done. Very thoughtful, strong work.